
carl is a calendar for the commandline. It tries to mimic the various cal(1) implementations out there, but also adds enhanced features like colors and ical support.

If you find any bugs or have ideas for additional features, please don’t hesitate to create a bug report or a feature request on codeberg or github.

Default output of carl carl output with custom colors

Screenshots of default carl

Screenshot of carl with custom colors

carl output with events
from ical highlighted
carl output with rainbow
colored weekdays

Screenshot of carl with ical events highlighted

Screenshot of carl in rainbow colors with ical events highlighted and current date striken through


cargo install carl

Commandline flags

Commandline options

Configuration file

The configuration file is located XDG_CONFIG_DIRS/carl/config.toml or XDG_CONFIG_HOME/.carl/config.toml (the latter has precedence). It can be used to define the name of a themefile as well as one or more icalfiles.

A sample configuration file is located in data/config.toml.

Ical Files

Icalfile listings contain paths to icalfiles and can be combined with their own styledefinitions. All the events from those icalfiles are then highlighted using either the IsEvent property (see below) or using the style defined togehter with the ical listing.

When using the -a or --agenda switch, the event summary is displayed below the calendar in a bullet list, with the bullet also highlighted with the corresponding style.

Screeshot of carl with agenda

Icalfile listings can be specified using the [[ical]] setting:

file = "/home/user/birthdays.ics"
stylenames = ['FGPurple']

If the file setting points to a directory, carl uses all the files in the directory it can parse.


Themefiles contain listings of date properties together with styledefintions.

The name of a theme is simple specified using the theme = setting:

theme = "default"

The themefile is read from XDG_CONFIG_DIRS/carl/<themename>.toml or XDG_CONFIG_HOME/.carl/<themename>.toml (the latter has precedence).


Themefiles and Icalfile listings can contain custom style settings. A style changes how a specific date in the calendar is displayed. A style consists of a list of stylenames and optionally a weight and a styletype ('Dark' or 'Light'). If no styletype is set, the style is effective in either case. The various possible stylenames are listed at the bottom.


stylenames = ['Dimmed']
weight = 10
styletype = 'Dark'


A themefile consists of a collection of datestyles:


A datestyle consists of a list of properties of a date and a style. The date has to fullfill all of the properties for the style to be applied.


properties = ['CurrentDate']
stylenames = ['FGRed']
weight = 3
styletype = 'Light'

Possible properties

A sample theme file is located in data/default.theme.



Foreground color names

Background color names

Multiple styles and colors can be combined using lists: ["Bold", "FGRed", "Underline"]